On Monday the 15th of February St Hilda’s held it’s first Open Day for any girls interested in joining either our new GirlGuiding group aimed at 10-14 year olds or our Unity girls project for 15-19 year olds.

We are hoping to get these groups up and running in the next few months and are looking for volunteers and members to join us.

Please do get in touch with [email protected] if you are interested or have any questions and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our new Youth Development Intern Saleha with Divinia from GirlGuiding

CbQoITwW8AAuRir.jpg largeFree tutorial and makeover by MAKEUP_BY_TAZ


Taz showing our girls the secret of highlighting and contouring using affordable make up products bQoITwW8AAuRir.jpg large


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